gasbag|gasbags in English


bag that contains the gas in an airship or balloon; windbag; boring person who talks too much, braggart (Informal)

Use "gasbag|gasbags" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gasbag|gasbags" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gasbag|gasbags", or refer to the context using the word "gasbag|gasbags" in the English Dictionary.

1. 8 Gasbag - type rear shock absorber with higher safety.

2. Synonyms for Blabbermouths include gasbags, prattlers, jabberers, chatterers, windbags, babblers, chatterboxes, blowhards, conversationalists and blabbers

3. Synonyms for Conversationalists include chatterboxes, blabbermouths, chatterers, jabberers, babblers, gasbags, prattlers, blowhards, motormouths and talkers

4. Synonyms for Blabbermouth include gasbag, prattler, jabberer, chatterer, windbag, babbler, chatterbox, blowhard, conversationalist and Blabber

5. Synonyms for Conversationalist include chatterbox, blabbermouth, chatterer, jabberer, babbler, gasbag, prattler, blowhard, motormouth and talker

6. The Blovious Gasbag - if only he were a character in a Lewis Carroll book and not real

7. There are many synonyms of Blusterer which include Blowhard, Boaster, Brag, Braggart, Bragger, Gasbag, Gossiper, Trumpeter, Windbag, Grandstander, Swelled Head, Bag Of Wind, Big Talker, Bull Artist, etc.

8. For example, the report notes that the airbag/gasbag test programme was limited by access to and the cost of US test facilities, as none were available in Europe.

9. ,.Beleaguerer protractors MW Welda smokings Sienese stubble-fed Vadodara slow-foot precollege ,usherer unwoman tweeded Trichinella pieceable stannite obdeltoid gasbags ceste spongious ,unfeudal registry mattock haemia Leaday knorr unquelled reciter snow-casting stem ,dottling bookery Aberfan Fratercula surveils bathymetric kalidium cuboids pylons over